Vishen Lakhiani – Extraordinary By Design

With Extraordinary By Design Quest you’ll be able to: 1. Break free from the rules that society imposes upon you Discover how to step beyond the limitations and boundaries which you thought were impenetrable, and truly break free. 2. Learn the difference between means goals and end goals Discover why the current goal setting [...]

2024-10-29T16:42:59+00:00July 13th, 2020|0 Comments

Don Amante – The Sensual Hunter Method

Don Amante introduces the Sensual Hunter Method, also referred to as the Sensual Predator Method. It is a process for luring girls through conversations and turning them sexual. It is way of seducing using psychological techniques to get a girl to realize she has to have sex with you. The program shows men how [...]

2024-10-29T16:43:16+00:00July 9th, 2020|0 Comments
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