RSD Jeffy’s Resonator
RESONATOR IS FOR YOU IF… You’re somebody who can’t hook the set when you approach… You routinely get girls turning away from you off the open… You regularly get the crinkled “bitch face” and [...]
BadBoy – Seducing Girls in Clubs and Bars
In this course you will learn everything about meeting, picking up and seducing girls in clubs and bars. You will learn all techniques that you need to have if you want to become ultimate [...]
New Alpha Education – The Huge Load Formula
The Huge Load Formula: Ultimate Edition is the real deal… It’ll help you enjoy the highest level of sexual performance you’ve ever experienced in your life. And, it’ll help you do it anytime you [...]
Brendon Burchard – The Confidence Course
Brendon Burchard is one of the most followed personal development trainers of our time, and one of the Top 100 Most Followed Public Figures on Facebook. He is a #1 New York Times bestselling [...]
Chris Downing – Shift Shop Workout (2017)
Ready to reinvent yourself? Here’s your chance. The SHIFT SHOP is Chris Downing’s breakthrough rapid-rebuild program that helps anyone of any age or fitness level see maximum results in minimal time. Using a breakthrough [...]
Jillian Michaels – Killer Cardio (2017)
The name says it all. Introducing Jillian's first pure cardio DVD, Killer Cardio. It's comprised of two incredible 25-minute workouts that progress in difficulty to blast calories while building endurance and cardiovascular conditioning. The [...]
RSD Todd – Text And Dates Machine
My Precision-Engineered System For Getting Her To Meet Me At The Snap Of A Text... ... And How I Get Her Home 90% Of The Time “Text & Dates Machine” is Todd Valentine’s system [...]
Female Orgasm Blueprint
Nine different video modules that average about 15 minutes each. About 90% of the content is focused on the actual techniques of how to give women orgasms, so it’s a very practical course. Please [...]
BadBoy – How to Be a Badboy
Badboy’s are often considered as cocky jerks. But, they anyway seem to be a chick magnet. Girls love this kind of men – they are masculine, strong, confident, they are FUN. But, remember this [...]
Byron Seingalt – Attract and Seduce
What if you could become a master of seduction and attract the women you've always wanted? This is not just another book about dating, flirting and meeting women. It answers the questions that men [...]
RSD Brad – Evolution 2 Immersion
Every month, Brad will provide his current state in game, and share his latest findings and epiphanies. Also talk to you about your personal issues and sticking points. This membership offers monthly call and [...]
David Shade – Give Woman Wild Screaming Orgasm
Revealed: Secrets To Giving Your Girl Explosive Sex Sessions And Mind- Boggling Orgasms… …And How To Have Her BEGGING You To Pull Out Your Dick And Start Drilling Her Brains Out Whenever You’re Together [...]
Tom Torero – Girlfriend Sequence
The Girlfriend Sequence is a video training program accessible online and produced from the original seminar that took place in London in January 2013. The program was conceived by Tom Torero to help men [...]
2 Girls Teach Sex – Blow Her Mind The First Time
This system teaches men how to smoothly go from the dating to the bedroom, and then giving a woman an amazing experience. It includes videos explaining ways to get a woman turned on and [...]
Greg Greenway – Dating Solutions
Social circle and networking expert, Greg C. Greenway, teaches men how to build and use their social circles to have the lifestyles they desire, date the women they desire, and improve their business connections. [...]
John Meadows and Paul Carter – Building the Beast
Building The Beast eDVD Outline In this content filled eDVD you will learn from two of the giants in the fitness industry on how to get your clients strong and lean at the same [...]
2 Girls Teach Sex – 2.0
You are about to discover secrets most men will never know about how to give a woman intense body shaking orgasms. I am talking about the kind of orgasms that make her scream your [...]
Dean Somerset – Advanced Core Training
Why Everyone Needs Core Strength & Core Stability Core strength and stability is something everyone needs to produce a forceful movement, whether that’s bending down to tie your shoes, lifting a bag of groceries [...]
Real Social Dynamics – Superconference – Foundations
The Most Important Shift In Thinking That Will Get You Your Dream Girl It’s important that you don’t simply revert back to old needy behaviors as soon as you get some success with [...]
BadBoy – Have Sex Like a Pro
Sex is important part of the life. In this course you will learn basics of sex. Dan and Jelena will teach you all about how to smoothly get a woman to bed, how to [...]
Bobby Rio – Make Small Talk Sexy – Conversation Escalation
Finally a Cure for Your Conversations If you're ready to finally kiss your fears and frustrations of talking to women goodbye--- and give yourself the priceless skill of being able to approach any women [...]
Real Social Dynamics – Blueprint Decoded
Believe The Hype… Four Life Altering Days Of Brain Hemorrhaging Immersion – Traveling DEEP Down The “Rabbit Hole” To The Most Advanced Understanding Of Dating, Social Dynamics, And Self-Actualization In Existence The Blueprint Decoded [...]
Beachbody – The Insanity Workout
Forget everything you think you know about high-intensity workouts. Because INSANITY turns old-school interval training on its head. If you've ever been to a Spin class, you know how that works. You motor along [...]
Greg Greenway – Social Supremacy Blueprint
"Practical Guide On How To Create A Social Life That Draws Women To You" This product is the practical guide on how to implement Greg's system of using the power of social circles to [...]
Leo Gura – Ultimate Life Purpose Course
Fed up? Dread work? Feeling uninspired? Stuck in a meaningless job? Not realizing your full potential? Wish you could get paid to do your art? Not sure how to turn your passion into a [...]