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A J Harbinger & Jordan Harbinger – The Art of Charm Academy

Founded by Jordan Harbinger and AJ Harbinger in 2007, The Arm of Charm Inc. is a PUA company that focuses more on the front end of your interactions with women as a pick up [...]

By |July 30th, 2015|Courses and Trainings, PDS|0 Comments

Scot McKay – The Leading Man Relationship Management System

Could it really be true that you can date as many women as you want to on your way to finding the one greatest woman you've ever met? Can you really attract the highest-quality [...]

By |July 22nd, 2015|Courses and Trainings, PDS|0 Comments

David Shade – Select Women Wisely

An Open Letter To Every Man Who Wants To Have More Sex And Less Drama In His Relationships Disc 1: Introduction to Selecting Women Wisely (mp4 video) "Everything you need [...]

By |July 7th, 2015|Courses and Trainings, PDS|0 Comments
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