About SamJackson

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So far SamJackson has created 1286 blog entries.

2 Girls Teach Sex – Blow Her Mind The First Time

This system teaches men how to smoothly go from the dating to the bedroom, and then giving a woman an amazing experience. It includes videos explaining ways to get a woman turned on and taking things to a physical level without being rejected. Areas covered include: - Sexual Escalation Secrets - Blow Her Mind [...]

2022-12-10T14:14:06+00:00September 7th, 2017|0 Comments

Greg Greenway – Dating Solutions

Social circle and networking expert, Greg C. Greenway, teaches men how to build and use their social circles to have the lifestyles they desire, date the women they desire, and improve their business connections. His social expertise has opened the doors to be invited to the Playboy Mansion, and hanging with jet setters. It [...]

2022-12-10T14:15:15+00:00September 7th, 2017|0 Comments

John Meadows and Paul Carter – Building the Beast

Building The Beast eDVD Outline In this content filled eDVD you will learn from two of the giants in the fitness industry on how to get your clients strong and lean at the same time. With decades of experience and countless titles in bodybuilding and powerlifting between them John Meadows aka the Mountain Dog [...]

2022-12-10T14:16:46+00:00September 5th, 2017|0 Comments

2 Girls Teach Sex – 2.0

You are about to discover secrets most men will never know about how to give a woman intense body shaking orgasms. I am talking about the kind of orgasms that make her scream your name and squirt all over your bedsheet as she swears you are the BEST DVD Program with coaching from porn [...]

2022-12-10T14:17:26+00:00September 3rd, 2017|0 Comments

Dean Somerset – Advanced Core Training

Why Everyone Needs Core Strength & Core Stability Core strength and stability is something everyone needs to produce a forceful movement, whether that’s bending down to tie your shoes, lifting a bag of groceries out of the car, creating first-step speed or lifting your max in the gym. Core stability means having the ability [...]

2022-12-10T14:18:05+00:00September 3rd, 2017|0 Comments
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