About SamJackson

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So far SamJackson has created 1294 blog entries.

Lucas West – Demonic Confidence

Give Me 21 Days, And I'll Make You PERMANENTLY Self-Confident with Women in Virtually ANY Situation. Eliminate Your Fear of Approaching Women COMPLETELY in Just 3 Weeks! Dear Friend, I want to start off by saying that I have absolutely no interest in insulting your intelligence. You've probably seen quite a few salesletters in [...]

2022-12-14T14:09:49+00:00October 11th, 2016|0 Comments

Dick Sutphen – Sleep Programming

Sleep Programming As you relax and drift into first-stage sleep, the cycle-per-second activity of your brain slows down to alpha. The second level of theta precedes deep delta sleep. Alpha and theta are the levels accessed for hypnosis programming. So suggestions delivered at these mental levels are as effective as hypnotic mind programming. And [...]

2022-12-14T14:12:07+00:00October 9th, 2016|0 Comments

Cameron Crawford – Dark Side Hypnosis

You CAN Control Anyone You Want Instantly, That's How Powerful These Techniques Are! Here's What You're Getting You're about to get your hands on the EXCLUSIVE training audios that explain Dark Side Hypnosis and Mind Control in BRUTAL detail. I recorded these audios after my two years of training with the MASTER of persuasion... [...]

2022-12-14T14:14:08+00:00October 6th, 2016|0 Comments

Jason Capital – Devoted Girlfriend System

THE BEST, MOST SUCCESSFUL,MOST DOMINANT YOU THAT YOU CAN POSSIBLY BE I’m unleashing everything I know,learned and experienced. I try to keep my private life private as an award-winning expert in the science of dating, psychology and human behavior.. As a man who has dedicated his entire life to transforming men into the most [...]

2022-12-14T14:15:28+00:00October 4th, 2016|0 Comments

My NLP Resources – Jamie Smart

Welcome to myNLPresources.com, the world’s most comprehensive resource for learning, applying, sharing & benefiting from practical Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) skills. Imagine a multi-media “NLP Encyclopaedia”, where you don’t just read about NLP – you can actually see NLP techniques demonstrated by your favourite NLP trainers, or hear them explained as part of entertaining audios. [...]

2022-12-14T14:16:09+00:00October 2nd, 2016|0 Comments
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