Giles Wiley – 5 Minute Flexibility

Giles' philosophy is simple but may be hard for skeptical people who have always had trouble with flexibility.  My friend who's crazy tall, hates stretching because he says it's super painful and that it's not for tall people.  He scoffed at Giles' belief that everyone has the muscle length they need; however he was [...]

2022-12-07T11:51:04+00:00February 27th, 2018|0 Comments

Beachbody On Demand Exclusives – Sagi Kalev (2017)

Sagi pushes hard to get results in two new exclusive BODY BEAST: BEAST UP workouts. You’ll get a lean, ripped physique with workouts that push you to fatigue and force your muscles to grow. Includes: Back amp Shoulders. Equipment Room Bis amp Tris. Equipment Room Chest amp Tris. Equipment Room Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. [...]

2022-12-07T12:09:21+00:00February 18th, 2018|0 Comments

Mike Donavanik – HIIT Workout

1. Brutal Strength Workout (33 min). 2. Hardcore Strength (35 min). 3. Non-Stop Bodyweight Blaster (36 min). 4. Extreme Burn Dumbbell Bootcamp (32 min). 5. Bodyweight SweatFest (37 min). 6. 15 Minute Lower Body Blast 07. 18 Minute The Hardest Bodyweight Workout Ever! 08. 20 Minute Sexy Legs, Slim Thighs & Perky Butt Workout! [...]

2022-12-07T12:09:58+00:00February 18th, 2018|0 Comments

XTrain Workouts

Get in the Best Shape of Your Life! XTrain is the ultimate total body fitness conditioning program that has been designed to crush calories, incinerate fat and work and tone your muscles like never before. XTrain comes with four different workout programs ranging from 30 to 90 days, but XTrain has also been uniquely [...]

2022-12-07T12:41:01+00:00January 11th, 2018|0 Comments

Weider – X-Factor ST 8 Week Training Program

Engage major muscles for continued results and maximize your workout with high-intensity 90-second sequence training. Perform intense exercises for 90 seconds followed by a strength-training movement or rest period. Then follow with another 90-second sequence. It's a fun, fast-paced way to burn calories and build muscle in the same workout. 8-week training program allows [...]

2022-12-07T12:41:55+00:00January 6th, 2018|0 Comments
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