Dean Somerset – Advanced Core Training

Why Everyone Needs Core Strength & Core Stability Core strength and stability is something everyone needs to produce a forceful movement, whether that’s bending down to tie your shoes, lifting a bag of groceries out of the car, creating first-step speed or lifting your max in the gym. Core stability means having the ability [...]

2022-12-10T14:18:05+00:00September 3rd, 2017|0 Comments

Beachbody – The Insanity Workout

Forget everything you think you know about high-intensity workouts. Because INSANITY turns old-school interval training on its head. If you've ever been to a Spin class, you know how that works. You motor along at a moderate pace for awhile – then all at once, you kick up your speed and heart rate – [...]

2022-12-10T14:22:44+00:00August 24th, 2017|0 Comments

Men’s Health – The Spartacus Workout

The NEW Spartacus Workout is here! It will make you sweat. It will make your muscles burn. And it will kick your butt to help you achieve the best results of your life. Now, for the first-time ever, you can experience The Spartacus Workout on video with The Spartacus Workout program! It's like having [...]

2022-12-10T14:56:11+00:00August 9th, 2017|0 Comments

Danny Hague -The Bodyweight solution

This is a resource that will dramatically help anyone looking to learn about integrated performance training, conditioning and working with athletes. In general anyone interested in improving their cutting edge knowledge about training methods will benefit from this video collection. It’s a no nonsense product, something that you will be able to apply TOMORROW. [...]

2022-12-10T15:00:22+00:00August 2nd, 2017|0 Comments

Mike Reinold – Champion Performance Therapy and Training System

Champion Performance Therapy and Training System The Champion Performance Therapy and Training Seminar is an online educational product designed to overview the Champion system of integrated rehabilitation, fitness, and sports performance training for physical therapists, personal trainers, strength coaches and other rehabilitation and fitness specialists.  The program includes live lectures and hands-on sessions from [...]

2022-12-10T15:05:57+00:00July 27th, 2017|0 Comments
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