Martin Merrill – Make Women Laugh

Foreword We can all agree that everyone has a sense of humor. It just comes in all shapes and sizes. As the saying goes, one man’s joke is another man’s poison. Some people may be better at expressing humor that suits more people’s tastes. Some people are just less adept in saying the right [...]

2024-11-09T08:53:10+00:00October 25th, 2019|0 Comments

Jon Sinn – Sexual Intelligence Training Program

The “Sexual Intelligence Training Program” is designed to help men develop their seduction skills. It shows you how communicate with women to attract and sleep with them. The program aims to teach you how to develop your sexual intelligence and sexual IQ to attract hotter women. Some of the areas covered: - Secrets of [...]

2024-11-09T08:53:28+00:00October 22nd, 2019|0 Comments

Nick Richards – Sexual Power Words – Sensual Power Words

These two books and short video show you exactly how I can "turn on hot women" and immediately have them lusting uncontrollably for me even if I’m not their type. I don't have to worry about rejection, frustration or knowing what to say because I discovered the exact innocent words that make any woman [...]

2024-11-09T08:56:48+00:00September 23rd, 2019|0 Comments

Greg Greenway – The 53 Laws

The 53 Laws is designed to help men become a king with women by providing strategies to trigger hot sexual attraction in them. It aims to give you new options in your dating life, master control over female emotions, and improve your confidence. This troubleshooting guide is intended to take the guesswork out of [...]

2024-11-09T08:57:05+00:00September 19th, 2019|0 Comments

Badboy – The Instasex Method

Hello, my name is BadBoy, and today I’m going to tell you how despite being paralyzed on one side of my body and walking with a humiliating limp… I’ve dated THOUSANDS of drop dead gorgeous women…beauty pageant winners like Miss Croatia… the kind of chicks who are so hot…most guys would consider just making-out [...]

2024-11-09T08:57:22+00:00September 16th, 2019|0 Comments
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