RSD TODD – Attraction Unlocked

Imagine your perfect 10… One second she’s standing there bored, staring at her phone, going about her day. .and the next she’s MASSIVELY turned on. .intrigued. .Mesmerized. .attracted….TO YOU. Already a member? Log in here As you engage her in conversation and flirtation, she goes from being skeptical at intensely mesmerized. You [...]

2022-12-05T12:37:13+00:00June 28th, 2018|0 Comments

Black Dragon – Get to Sex Fast

Get to Sex Fast In this book, you will learn a simple, step-by-step system for moving any woman from the first date to sex within 3-4 hours, without having to lie, without having to stay up late into the evening, and without spending a lot of money… usually $27 or less! Taken from over [...]

2022-12-05T12:40:52+00:00June 22nd, 2018|0 Comments

The Art Of Seduction – Robert Greene

When raised to the level of art, seduction, an indirect and subtle form of power, has toppled empires, won elections and enslaved great minds. Discover who you, or your pursuer, most resembles. Immerse yourself in the twenty-four maneuvers and strategies of the seductive process, the ritual by which a seducer gains mastery over his [...]

2022-12-05T12:48:51+00:00June 22nd, 2018|0 Comments

Derek Rake – Truth Extractor

Uncover The Truth Behind Her Lies By Exploiting Her Biggest Psychological Weakness Discover How To Extract The Truth From Her No Matter If She Is Willing To Be Honest With You... The Shogun Method Truth Extractor™ Shows You The Way 56-page detailed Truth Extraction™ Blueprint on how to "brute-force" the truth out of her [...]

2022-12-05T12:51:34+00:00June 19th, 2018|0 Comments

Derek Rake – Intrigue Black Book & Black Book 2

Intrigue Black Book Arm Yourself With The Most Advanced Intrigue Generation Tactics Ever Three (3) Intrigue Pings you can use in everyday situations Three (3) Intrigue Pings you can use in social environments Three (3) Intrigue Pings you can use in a noisy environment (clubs or bars) The most fundamental principle of Intrigue Generation [...]

2022-12-05T12:52:56+00:00June 16th, 2018|0 Comments
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