BadBoy – Mastering Dates and Dating

Within this course you will master almost everything that you have to know about dates and dating. You will learn hot to organize a perfect date, where to take her, how to behave, and even how not to pay for a date. This course will answer the questions that you always had about dates, [...]

2022-12-10T14:57:05+00:00August 7th, 2017|0 Comments

Jason Capital – 70 Laws

Jason Capital has been an influential part of the seduction industry and coaching guys for almost 5 years. Since developing his “honest” style of picking up women from his own personal experiences, Jason continues to build upon his expertise and focusing on a great social and business life. His well-established Jason Capital Dating business [...]

2022-12-10T14:58:16+00:00August 4th, 2017|0 Comments

Tonya Reiman – The Body Language of Dating

Body Language of Love and Dating Find relationship success with the nonverbal science of seduction. Learn the subtle romantic signs to decode your date. Course Description I want to give you a completely new approach to love and dating. This course is going to help you master every aspect of romance from flirting, to [...]

2022-12-10T14:59:04+00:00August 2nd, 2017|0 Comments

BadBoy – Ultra Fast Seduction

In this short amazing course you are going to learn 7 magical steps for ULTRA FAST SEDUCTION 1) Recognize Her 2) Approach Her with Direct Sexual Opener 3) Keep Her Horny and Escalate 4) Take Care of Her Friends 5) Isolate Her 6) Kiss Her 7) Sort Out Logistics and Fuck Her SIZE: 453 [...]

2022-12-10T15:01:29+00:00July 30th, 2017|0 Comments

BadBoy – Meeting & Seducing Girls During Daytime

We all know that 80-90% of the game is your inner state, or "Inner game" as we also call it. But, let me tell you something... you can be the most confident person in the world, you would be however confused in certain situations if you don't know what to say or how to [...]

2022-12-10T15:08:51+00:00July 24th, 2017|0 Comments
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