James Marshall – Marshall Meditation Method

A Practical Guide To Destroying Social Anxiety, creating confidence & developing relaxed powerful charisma Exclusive never before seen videos revealing his methods for remaining calm and centered under high intensity social situations plus the practical solution to social and approach anxiety A unique 6 week course + bonuses led by James Marshall with a [...]

2022-12-25T04:23:01+00:00May 2nd, 2017|0 Comments

Carlos Xuma – The Girlfriend Training Program

This program is designed to teach men how to “train” a girl to not lose her attraction and get drama-free sex. It teaches men how to train women in the same ways they are doing to men, sometimes without men even knowing it. Carlos Xuma explains 4 of the toughest challenges men face with [...]

2022-12-12T12:12:47+00:00April 29th, 2017|0 Comments

David Tian – Invincible The Secret Ancient Dao of Effortlessly Attracting Women

“Brand New Program Reveals The Most Powerful Seduction Secret of the Ages Literally Lost for 2,500 Years…” Imagine this scenario… You know that time when you were out with your friends at a bar or a club, and you started drinking... and you had a nice buzz going but you weren’t drunk yet? And [...]

2022-12-13T09:48:48+00:00April 26th, 2017|0 Comments

David Tian – 10 Weeks to Freedom

How To Experience And Enjoy Authentic Freedom -- Socially, Sexually, Emotionally -- And Attract Women, Love, And Success By Living As Your True Self What if you could attract and keep your dream relationships... just by being your True Self and live the life you’ve always wanted? 10 WEEKS TO FREEDOM is a live, [...]

2022-12-13T09:49:56+00:00April 23rd, 2017|0 Comments

Jason Capital & Adam Gilad – Relationship God

The Chemical Key To Unlocking Your Dream Girl’s Heart, Mind, and Legs In A Single Night.. The NEW science of love, revealing.. How you can get a devoted and caring girlfriend for the first time. Imagine building a future filled with so much passion, commitment, and devotion that even your closest friends are questioning [...]

2022-12-13T09:56:41+00:00April 23rd, 2017|0 Comments
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