Derek Rake- Shogun Method

How To Use Military-Grade Mind Control Technology To Dominate A Woman And Enslave Her Emotionally The Fastest Way To Seduce A Woman Is To Control Her Mind: Shogun Method™ Shows You How Module 1: Fractionation The grand-daddy of all Mind Control and extreme persuasion methods, Fractionation is what the pro’s use to make a [...]

2022-12-13T11:37:53+00:00January 4th, 2017|0 Comments

Arash Dibazar – Alfa Male Series

The Alpha Male Series: Volumes 1-4 is a video program in which Arash leads you through the process of transforming yourself from a chump into an Alpha Male. Arash will show you ways of creating attraction through the use words and language patterns, building confidence, showing her that you are a man, and creating [...]

2022-12-13T11:38:30+00:00January 1st, 2017|0 Comments

Rob Judge – 15 Tricks Of Conversation That Attract Her

These 15 Hacks will finally “fix” boring, dull, and “sex less” conversation that never create attraction or desire in a girl.Let’s look at this, it’s just the tip of the iceberg: When you get this training you’ll discover: Avoid “brain farts” where you can’t think of anything to say… Easily move a conversation to [...]

2022-12-13T11:39:57+00:00December 27th, 2016|0 Comments

Alex Allman – How To Man

How To Finally Step Into Your “Authentic Manhood” & Start Getting The Automatic Respect From Women You've Always Wanted...And The Happy & Fulfilling Relationships You Deserve “Real Man” Means “Self Authentication” Just so there’s no misunderstanding here… There is nothing wrong with all the positive qualities of manhood like strength, courage, decisiveness, leadership... The [...]

2022-12-13T11:52:33+00:00December 20th, 2016|0 Comments

Christian McQueen – Get Laid Tonight

You're about to learn everything you need to know to attract sexy girls, be the popular guy in social situations and triple your dates, but what about getting laid right now? With Get Laid Tonight Speed System you'll learn everything you need to know in this short, but powerful 1.5 hour course to go [...]

2022-12-13T11:55:46+00:00December 15th, 2016|0 Comments
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