Todd Valentine – Valentine University 2.0

This is the full up to date Valentine University 2.0 program. Its 50.5 GB includes all webinars till April 2016, training videos and challenges. Valentine University 2.0 has tons of never-before-seen new features. It now truly is the best and fastest way to learn pickup no matter your current skill level or experience. "Force [...]

2022-12-13T12:27:13+00:00October 19th, 2016|0 Comments

Dating Mastery – The Art of the Approach

Learn how to effectively approach women. Become a Master & a Ladies man. All spiced up with Tantra secret techniques. Dating Mastery The Art of the Approach is a course that focuses on that hardest step you need to take in order to even have a date and that's THE first contact. You want [...]

2022-12-14T14:07:51+00:00October 14th, 2016|0 Comments

Arash Dibazar – Seductive Confidence

I live the life of a rock star. I roll with an entourage of 12-14 of the hottest women in the bay area. They will do anything I say. They will drop their boyfriends, quit their jobs, and give me total compliance. At any given night you can find 6-8 girls with me at [...]

2022-12-14T14:08:49+00:00October 13th, 2016|0 Comments

Lucas West – Demonic Confidence

Give Me 21 Days, And I'll Make You PERMANENTLY Self-Confident with Women in Virtually ANY Situation. Eliminate Your Fear of Approaching Women COMPLETELY in Just 3 Weeks! Dear Friend, I want to start off by saying that I have absolutely no interest in insulting your intelligence. You've probably seen quite a few salesletters in [...]

2022-12-14T14:09:49+00:00October 11th, 2016|0 Comments

Jason Capital – Devoted Girlfriend System

THE BEST, MOST SUCCESSFUL,MOST DOMINANT YOU THAT YOU CAN POSSIBLY BE I’m unleashing everything I know,learned and experienced. I try to keep my private life private as an award-winning expert in the science of dating, psychology and human behavior.. As a man who has dedicated his entire life to transforming men into the most [...]

2022-12-14T14:15:28+00:00October 4th, 2016|0 Comments
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