Magnificent Sex – Peggy Kleinplatz & Dana Menard

Winner of the 2021 SSTAR Consumer Book Award! What makes sex magnificent? What are the qualities of extraordinary erotic intimacy and what are the elements that help to bring it about? Is great sex the stuff that people remember nostalgically from the "honeymoon" phase of their relationships, or can sex improve over time? Magnificent [...]

2024-10-24T11:45:25+00:00January 16th, 2023|0 Comments

Women’s Anatomy of Arousal – Sheri Winston

WINNER, 2010 BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD! THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SEX EDUCATORS, COUNSELORS & THERAPISTS (AASECT). Find out why Dr. Christiane Northrup has called Women's Anatomy of Arousal "the most comprehensive, user-friendly, practical and uplifting book on women's sexuality I've ever read. It's the gold standard!" Women have a largely unknown network of structures [...]

2024-10-24T11:47:46+00:00January 9th, 2023|0 Comments

Adina Rivers – Multiple Orgasm Mastery

Give her MULTIPLE orgasmsĀ  & UNLOCK multiple orgasms for yourself (no downtime!) Then experience insane ecstasy & deep connection with your woman You Want To IMPRESS a woman in the Bedroom & Become the Best she's ever had, right? So you thought about ways to last longer in the bedroom Maybe if you could [...]

2024-10-24T11:48:41+00:00January 4th, 2023|0 Comments

Better in Bed – Sexual Mastery

We all love sex! But how do we have amazing sex that will blow her mind, and yours?! Most of what we know is based on reading magazines and watching porn! We fall for a routine set of moves and techniques that we feel comfortable with. There are also difficulties such as premature ejaculation [...]

2024-10-24T11:53:04+00:00December 23rd, 2022|0 Comments

Orgasm Unleashed – Eyal Matsliah

A GROUNDBREAKING GUIDE FOR WOMEN ON BECOMING DEEPLY ORGASMIC... AND TRANSFORMING THEIR LIFE ! "A very clear and all encompassing book that explains in detail how you can experience more powerful orgasms and live an orgasmic life. It has everything from helpful anatomy to sexual practices and mind-set shifts that are very important for [...]

2024-10-24T11:54:44+00:00December 21st, 2022|0 Comments
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