Learn flirting, dating and seduction with all kind of PDS Courses.
Mike Haines – The Domination Principle
The top-secret program that reveals the entire system for the first time ever! I’ll get audio read by the author, and PDF transcripts of the whole course! The Domination Principle is an exclusive dating [...]
Vince Kelvin – Lethal Texting Strategies That Lead To Sex
Women seem to spend their entire day on the phone, BUT they still don't text or call you back! Or if they do, they suddenly stop when you start to suggest hanging out!And that [...]
Robbie Hemingway – Instagram VIP Training
Discover The Shocking Method To Make Hot Girls Add Back, And A Simple Trick To Make Your Instagram Get You A Date By Tonight!… In the training, you’ll learn how to: How to completely [...]
David Wygant – Own The Room
I discovered that success wasn't all about doing the right things... but had a lot to do with being the right person. Being someone who's genuine, authentic, and interesting. And before long, I was [...]
The Social Heartistry Academy
ATTRACTION IS AN EXPRESSION OF YOUR AUTONOMY IN ACTION Become self-fulfilled and autonomous, with or without women Attain real core confidence that is not dependent on any situation Have fun and express yourself freely, [...]
Robbie Hemingway – Text God VIP
Text God Vip Robbie Hemingway: Have you ever looked at her text and wondered, “I want her to want to fuck me but what do I text”? How many times have messed up your [...]
Robbie Hemingway – Snapchat Success System
HERE’S A SPECIAL MESSAGE FOR GUYS WHO WANT TO ATTRACT WOMEN & SUCCESS ON SNAPCHAT Hey, This is Robbie Hemingway and if you want to succeed dominating Snapchat & have women obsess over you, [...]
Girlfriend Guaranteed by Gambler
The Girlfriend Guaranteed Sequence The exact sequence of questions you need to get any woman interested, aroused, and obsessed with you. Everything is explained in this simple and easy to understand video. Complete with [...]
RSD Jeffy’s Resonator
RESONATOR IS FOR YOU IF… You’re somebody who can’t hook the set when you approach… You routinely get girls turning away from you off the open… You regularly get the crinkled “bitch face” and [...]
BadBoy – Seducing Girls in Clubs and Bars
In this course you will learn everything about meeting, picking up and seducing girls in clubs and bars. You will learn all techniques that you need to have if you want to become ultimate [...]
RSD Todd – Text And Dates Machine
My Precision-Engineered System For Getting Her To Meet Me At The Snap Of A Text... ... And How I Get Her Home 90% Of The Time “Text & Dates Machine” is Todd Valentine’s system [...]
BadBoy – How to Be a Badboy
Badboy’s are often considered as cocky jerks. But, they anyway seem to be a chick magnet. Girls love this kind of men – they are masculine, strong, confident, they are FUN. But, remember this [...]
Byron Seingalt – Attract and Seduce
What if you could become a master of seduction and attract the women you've always wanted? This is not just another book about dating, flirting and meeting women. It answers the questions that men [...]
RSD Brad – Evolution 2 Immersion
Every month, Brad will provide his current state in game, and share his latest findings and epiphanies. Also talk to you about your personal issues and sticking points. This membership offers monthly call and [...]
Tom Torero – Girlfriend Sequence
The Girlfriend Sequence is a video training program accessible online and produced from the original seminar that took place in London in January 2013. The program was conceived by Tom Torero to help men [...]
Greg Greenway – Dating Solutions
Social circle and networking expert, Greg C. Greenway, teaches men how to build and use their social circles to have the lifestyles they desire, date the women they desire, and improve their business connections. [...]
Real Social Dynamics – Superconference – Foundations
The Most Important Shift In Thinking That Will Get You Your Dream Girl It’s important that you don’t simply revert back to old needy behaviors as soon as you get some success with [...]
Bobby Rio – Make Small Talk Sexy – Conversation Escalation
Finally a Cure for Your Conversations If you're ready to finally kiss your fears and frustrations of talking to women goodbye--- and give yourself the priceless skill of being able to approach any women [...]
Real Social Dynamics – Blueprint Decoded
Believe The Hype… Four Life Altering Days Of Brain Hemorrhaging Immersion – Traveling DEEP Down The “Rabbit Hole” To The Most Advanced Understanding Of Dating, Social Dynamics, And Self-Actualization In Existence The Blueprint Decoded [...]
Greg Greenway – Social Supremacy Blueprint
"Practical Guide On How To Create A Social Life That Draws Women To You" This product is the practical guide on how to implement Greg's system of using the power of social circles to [...]
Jason Capital – Power Influence System
You can use Power Influence with anything and anyone. Here’s what’s inside Power Influence… The subtle differences you MUST know between game and power influence (skip this part and power influence will backfire) Write [...]
David Tian – The Charisma Code
Asian Dating Master, David Tian, Ph.D., Reveals The Most Powerful Seduction Secret of the Ages Literally Lost For 3,500 Years… “How Any Man–And I Mean Any Man– Can Attract Drop-Dead Gorgeous Women…Like Bees To [...]
Social Encrypted by Alex
FINALLY: FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER The World’s Most Experienced INFIELD Dating Coach… Unveils his easy to follow step-by-step approach that shows ANY GUY how to transform himself into life of the party that [...]
The Girlfriend Activation System V2
The Girlfriend Activation System (GFAS V2) is a step-by-step system that teaches you how to get a girlfriend using a little-known 3-step method that activates her “obsession story” and gets her to commit to [...]
Mike Wright – Elixir of Eros
Complete Guide of the Fundamental Principles of Natural Seduction Backed by Evolutionary Psychology In these intense video coaching sessions, youll learn my most advanced techniques to turn any woman on, even if shes totally [...]